Workplace Stress
Karen Mack Management Consultants LLC
Job stress seriously impairs productivity and morale.
Short tempers, tardiness, hushed or strained conversations, increased errors, poor attendance, and apathy are but a few signs of burnout due to work related stress. A certain amount of stress - eustress, or good stress, is necessary to optimize productivity. A majority of workplaces suffer from too much stress, better known as distress, or bad stress.
The challenge for most is finding and maintaining the balance between the two -- particularly if the nature of work is besieged with stressors. Successful Stress Managers offers information and tools that can be modified for any circumstance or environment. The outcome of this training is an enhanced quality life.
Tip: Plan activities that can be done daily that will help relieve stress; encourage everyone to come up with appropriate work related "stress busters."
Professional Development Seminars
Successful Stress Managers (SSM)
Stress Management & Adapting to Change
Stress is a normal and very functional part of life; however, unmanaged stress can wreak havoc in every area of one's life. The ability to manage stress effectively is a huge advantage when dealing with daily demands, professional as well as personal. Successful Stress Managers provides information and motivation to encourage behavioral changes that reduce stress, while promoting and maintaining a healthy life balance.
What to Expect: These sessions contain stress test(s), information, reminders, and exercises to manage one's reaction to stressors. Topics of discussion include identifying specific sources of stress, becoming aware of burnout, naming stress-prone personalities, changing perceptions, recognizing self-induced stressors, using time-saving techniques, valuing relaxation, and setting realistic goals. Discover ways to break old habits that produce fatigue, irrational thoughts, and stress.
A "Successful Stress Managers" audio presentation (2 hours) is available upon request. This program has been used to introduce tips/techniques and has proven to be an effective tool to increase retention.
In June 1997, I created and videotaped a three-part stress training series entitled "How to Manage Stress" for Fred Pryor Resources, which is distributed nationally and internationally through Nightingale Conant.